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PSHCE at Woodhouse Primary School

The social, moral, spiritual and cultural curriculum at Woodhouse is at the centre of our ethos, vision and values.

 The children across key stages one and two have a weekly PSHCE lesson which runs alongside P4C (Philosophy for Children) and daily assemblies.  PSHCE is taught through themed areas such as ‘Health Wise’, ‘Friend Wise’ and ‘Responsibility Wise’. We use SEAL to support teaching and learning in PSHE. Kagan structures are used throughout our curriculum to support our work on collaborative learning and our behaviour management strategies are structured around Restorative Practice.

SRE and Drug education are taught as part of our curriculum.

A focus on British Values is entwined within our curriculum and the Woodhouse Way and demonstrated through our house council and child leadership in school.

We promote the aspects of these values; democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs throughout the entire curriculum.