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The Board of Governors and its Committees meet once a term. Governors serve a four year term of office and may seek to be re-appointed. All parents of pupils at Woodhouse Primary School are eligible to nominate or be nominated to serve as a Governor at the school, subject to agreed procedures which will be publicised before an election.

The Board of Governors is also made up from a representative from the Local Authority, staff members and other Co-opted members from the wider community.

The Governors have a general responsibility for determining the policy and effective management of the school, acting within the framework set by national legislation and by the policies of the Local Authority.

The Governors provide challenge and support to the Headteacher and work closely together. They meet regularly and each term the Governors receive a full report from the Headteacher. This report is discussed along with other relevant matters. The Governors have set up committees to ensure all matters are dealt with in depth e.g. school improvement, personnel, finance, buildings. They ensure monitoring and evaluation takes place to continually review and develop school policy and practice and to promote high standards and value for money.